Thursday, January 22, 2009

second brain storming

  1. lifting weight-pushing cars - grabbing some heavy bag-open a can- open beer bottle-lift luggage-cutting trees-breaking walls-wrestling-throwing something really far
  2. helping people figure out what gift is appropriate- mowing lawn-taking care elder person-baby sit-washing cars-cleaning house-playing puzzle-playing crossword-helping friends to solve problems-playing sudoku
  3. painting-craving- tatoo palar-making commercial-making video game- making movie- creating playbook-composing music-dancing-designing
  4. collectin money-solving math-figuring out how much tip should we pay-seperating check-counting votes- appling tax-accounting -remember password-making finance report- analizing
  5. anchorman-report-debater-good at negotiate-good at bargain--bidding price-hosting -good at public relationship-good at tell stories
  6. making friends- hang out- partying-facebooking- flirting with others-playing card games-like to adventure-playing board game-dancing-pranking
  7. edit newspaper-edit magazines-making reports-concluding issues-setting storage-decorate offices-decorate houses-setting products-making lists-setting cargoes
  8. learning-invention-seeking new stuff-making interesting thing-not afraid to try new things-have lots of knowledge-like to do some adventures-love to try some experiments-willing to do some crazy stuff-willing to do some development
  9. taking care of old guys-consider about children-treat people nice-love to meet new friends-thinking about others-love to do some heart warming stuff-never forget big event-seldom angry at other people-love to share-loving to host a party
  10. fixing computer-installing door lock- fixing cars- solving pipes- making dog house- making tree house-fixing roof-painting houses-hook up cable tv-hooking up dvd player to tv

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