Tuesday, February 17, 2009

25 made up list

  1. I did skinny dip into cedar river, and got really bad allergy. ( you know what I mean..;])
  2. Me and friends did jackass shopping cart trick in a famous mall and got busted by mall cop.
  3. I can do double back flip in mountain bike just like Travis Parstrana.
  4. I can jump way higher than Kenny smith …http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOh3NRBC_yI
  5. I tried cup test before…
  6. I can chug one gallon of beer than wasted on the floor.
  7. I lick my shoes just like fat Joe
  8. I love to watch broke back mountain
  9. I shot a fire launcher into my neighbor’s house than ran away
  10. I did party boy dance in best buy
  11. I did dairy challenge with my friends and I’m so scared of dairy thing now
  12. Self defense experiment is the most interesting thing I want to try
  13. writing paper is my favorite stuff
  14. I stole a meal at drive through then threw it to the wind shield
  15. hmm... i'm wasted everyday
  16. I did stage dive in the concert

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