Thursday, March 19, 2009

project entry pt.2

Although this song does not really talk about having mutilple relationships with different girls directly, they use different flavors of cookie instead. Each verses talks about how he can't resist to cheat on his girlfriend. In this young generation, couple man would cheat on their girl friend and do not want to change it. some of them think it is excited and other are just think the girl that he's cheating is better than his girl friend. more and more people think cheating is accetable or part of relationship but having only one girl friend is the best. Having relationships with only one girl friend not only is respect to our girl friend but also reduce us chance to get into trouble.
Focusing to have relationship with only one girl friend is showing our respect. we would put all our care on them. For instance, we would know what they want easily when they have some sight and knowing what our girl friend like and dislike. therefore, we should only have one girl friend in one time.
Having only one girl friend in one time reduce us chance to get into trouble. If we have many girl friends in a time, we not only have to remember lot of personal information such as, birthday, horoscope, and favorite stuff; but also have to put the right information on the right one. otherwise, the truth would be revealed. thus, we should only have one girl friend in one time.
Because of respect and promblem reduciton, we should only have concetrate on one realtionship in one time.

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